Blue Jeans and Daisies – Mystery Bonus
2013 Springtime Mystery Sampler Club

Thank you for purchasing/stitching the 2013 Springtime Mystery Sampler Club offering “Blue Jeans and Daisies!”
Have the password handy (the answer to the Springtime Jumble)
The Mystery Bonus is in PDF form ~ you will need Adobe Reader to view/print.
Note: This is a large quality file and will take a moment to load.
If you are receiving an error message when trying to open the chart, most likely, you are using an older version of Adobe Reader – you will need to update to the newest version to open the file.
Still having difficulty? – Make sure your virus protection software recognizes as a “safe site”.
Frequently asked questions…
What is the 2013 Springtime Mystery Sampler Club?
Blue Ribbon Designs Springtime Mystery Sampler Series is a three-part Mystery Sampler Club series:
First installment was released on January 21, 2013
Second installment was released on February 25, 2013
Third installment was released on March 25, 2013
Contact your favorite needlework shop for details…or read my blog posts for more information:
Part One:
Part Two:
Part Three:
What is the Springtime Jumble?
Each installment of the 2013 Springtime Mystery Sampler Club “Blue Jeans and Daisies” includes one part of the Springtime Jumble. You will need to collect all three patterns to complete the Springtime Jumble and unlock the mystery bonus. The answer to the Springtime Jumble is the password to open the mystery bonus design (found above).
Can you tell me about the password?
Once you solve the Springtime Jumble, the password will make sense – if you have a strange assortment of letters, check your answers. The password should be entered with all capital letters along with the one number – the password is case sensitive. Please don’t spoil the fun by sharing/posting the password – this bonus design is intended for needleworkers who have purchased the charts for “Blue Jeans and Daisies”.
Why isn’t there a color key listed on the Mystery Bonus?
The color key is provided on each chart installment of the 2013 Springtime Mystery Sampler Club “Blue Jeans and Daisies”.
Why isn’t there an alphabet provided on the Mystery Bonus for personalization?
The alphabet is provided in the charting of the 2013 Springtime Mystery Sampler Club “Blue Jeans and Daisies”.
Can I share, copy, reproduce, digitize, or post this Mystery Bonus design to share with fellow stitchers?
No. The Mystery Bonus design and finishing instructions are both protected by copyright law. The Mystery Bonus design and finishing instructions may not be reproduced for newsletter or handout; they are intended for needleworkers who purchase the “Blue Jeans and Daisies” Mystery Sampler Club charts. They are not to be kitted or sold. The Mystery Bonus design and finishing instructions may not be digitized and/or posted on the Internet without written permission. If you are printing, saving, or downloading this design and/or finishing instructions from any source other than, you have an illegal copy.
What if I don’t have access to a printer or have difficulty opening the Mystery Bonus?
You have two options:
You may contact the shop where you purchased the charts/supplies for the 2013 Springtime Mystery Sampler Club “Blue Jeans and Daisies” – they should be willing/able to assist you.
You may send a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE), along with a note stating you would like the Mystery Bonus chart and finishing instructions to the address below. You must include the password and the name, location, and/or web address of the needlework shop where you purchased the charts/supplies for the 2013 Springtime Mystery Sampler Club “Blue Jeans and Daisies”. Requests received without a SASE and/or proper information will not be honored.
Belinda Karls-Nace
Blue Ribbon Designs, LLC
18515 W 194th Terrace
Spring Hill, KS 66083-4562